Friday, January 23, 2009

Bananas-the most popular fruit in the world !

The origin of the banana plant traces back to being found in the region of Malaysia. The banana was supposedly discovered by humans in the 6th century BC according to the Buddhist Pali writings. It is said that Alexander the Great loved the taste of the banana and is credited with bringing the new fruit from India to the Western world.

Bananas are the most popular fruit in the world- the reasons why are simple: they produce fruit throughout the entire year, they are tasty plus they can be used for many things other than eating and they contain many healthy essential vitamins and minerals which are important for our daily diet. The bananas we know of are called dessert bananas because they are sweet and tasty however there is another type called a cooking banana which is green and hard. Bananas are grown in over 130 countries worldwide with India, China, the Phillipines, Brazil and Ecuador alone producing more than 60% of total world production.

Most of the producing countries for bananas are developing ones and banana plantations in these third-world countries create many jobs for locals there. Up until the last few years:all of the workers involved in the production and exportation of the bananas were paid very very little, because this problem was so widely hilighted in the media by many developed countries, organisations were formed to improve pay and condidtions for banana workers.

Aside from the human rights depressing info on banana workers pay, bananas grow on large plants which many mistake for trees, the stem on these plants can grow from 2 upto 8 metres and the leaves on the plant can measure upto 3.5 metres in length. The banana fruits produced from these plants hang in clusters of 3-20 tiers with about 20 bananas to a tier, the total amount of banana fruits to a cluster is known as a bunch usually weighing about 40 kg. Each banana fruit averages about 125 grams and is made up of approximately 75% water and 25% dry content.

Bananas are said to be able to help prevent strokes, help with depression, help in cases of anemia, relieve heartburn, stomach ulcers, constipation, high temperatures and stress. They are proven to increase brain power, decrease blood pressure, neutralize excess stomach acid and calm the nervous system. Rubbing the inside of a banana skin on a mosquito bite can sooth the swelling and itchiness of it and doing the same thing can also help in removing warts!

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